Our Mission: Connecting with others and changing lives through a relationship with Christ.
The old is gone from us and the New has begun. We are blessed with the opportunity of Experiencing Christ in His fullness. We are privileged to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Desiring to be holy as He is Holy. We enjoy worshipping with others of the same belief system. Walking together, praying together, learning together and experiencing fellowship. These are Xtra blessings. Our conformity is no longer to this world with all of its crazy notions. We have experienced Transformation by the renewing of our minds. Now we have Shared Experiences. (i.e. presenting our bodies as living sacrifices that are totally acceptable unto Him. Then we are able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will for our lives. Times of refreshing always come from the hand of God. No longer does he want us to be struggling, rather He wants us to be filled with His Spirit and have an abundant life. Enjoying group learning is always part of this whole process. When two or three are gathered together in His name, He is always with us. Personal growth brings with it great Satisfaction! Hallelujah we have found what our souls have been craving. Jesus satisfies the longing of our heart and our connection with Him is beyond words. Let us know how we can help you with your NEXT STEPS. Come and walk with us.
Let us hear from you at fbcherington@gmail.com
We are...a community of faith walking people that believe in God's Word and enjoy learning about building our relationship with Him.
Living for Christ is more than what happens on Sunday mornings. It's living out the Word of God daily and letting our light shine so that others will be drawn to the true light, Jesus Christ.